Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Encouraging Participation

Getting students to talk in their second language is a difficult task, however, it still needs to be done.  Here are a few methods that can help make students talk more in class.

Teacher asks a question to be answered by a student to the whole class.  Before asking for someone to say their answer, the teacher gives 30 seconds to 1 minute for students to turn to a student sitting next to them to share.  In this sharing time, BOTH students take turns saying what they think the answer is and summarizing the other person's answer.  When the time comes for the answer to be shared with the whole class the student has the confidence from sharing with their partner.  The teacher can use any of the other methods to choose a student to speak to the whole class. 

The Ball Method 
The ball is gently thrown to students after a question is asked.  Students HAVE to catch the ball if it is thrown to them.  Once they have the ball they are to give their answer.  Then they throw the ball back to the teacher. 

The Stick Method
The stick method uses popsicle sticks or slips of paper.  The students' names or numbers are written on sticks.  The teacher chooses on at random and calls on that student to answer.  

The Card Method 
The teacher tapes playing cards to the students desk and has a second set of the same cards with her.  When an answer to the whole class is needed, all the teacher does is pull a card and say the shape and number in her hand.  

The Student Number Method 
Each student has a number that identifies them (whether by the school or the teacher).  Each student knows their number and the teacher uses the stick method or number from a bag (or basically anything) to pick a number at random.  The number is called and the student answers.  

All these methods will work for multiple classes or a single class.  Use one or use them all throughout the school year. 

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