Saturday, March 30, 2013

Classroom Management Tip #1: Getting Students Attention

Who has had problems with getting students to refocus after a change of activity, while giving instructions, or presenting new material?  <<raises her own hand>>

We all know that talking over the students talking only adds confusion and questions later on.  Here a few tips to use to get students attention during a presentation or while giving instructions.


The Clap
The Clap consist of a pattern that the teacher claps and the students must repeat.  The teacher stops talking and claps.  The noise brings the students attention back to the teacher and to show they are paying attention they must repeat the pattern.  The pattern can be the same every time or the teacher can change it up.  

The Whisper
Dropping your voice to The Whisper makes the students stop what they are doing and listen intently hear what you are saying.  This method can be used with just saying what you have to tell them about new material/instructions or be offering a quick reward/praise to those who demonstrate that they are listening the first time.

The Watch the Clock (with the Stance)
The Watch the Clock is a stance that you take without saying anything.  When you notice students not focusing on you, the teachers stops and starts looking at the clock/watch. All you do is take note of how long students take to get ready or refocus and take that time away from them.  Such as in recess/break or after school.  Once the students have refocused, you stop keeping time and go on with the lesson/instructions.  The take time away part can be from the whole class or from specific students.  This is up the teacher's discretion.  

The Give Me (with the Hand Raise)
The Give Me is a count of sort.  The teacher chooses what they want to students to do when they refocus on the lesson.  For example: One finger represents closing their mouth, then Two fingers represent sitting the correct way in their desk, and Three fingers represent putting their hands on top of their desk clasped.  Teachers are encouraged to use three to five fingers.  Teachers show the fingers (in order) and watch until each one is completed before moving to the next one, or they can do the before mentioned things while explaining what is expected.  

To ensure the success of any of these methods, you must show and tell your students what you expect them to do when you get their attention.  For example: When you clap your hands you also turn to sit correctly in your desk and mouth is closed or When you see me at the front of the room watching the clock you must sit with your mouth closed, eyes on me, and sitting correctly in your seat.  

A good thing to do is as you see students doing what they are supposed to is: Say their name and thank you for sitting correctly in your seat/looking at me/not talking/be ready with _____________.  

Another method to help one or two students focus is look at them specifically and ask or remind them of what they should be doing when you use one of the methods above.

These methods work best after practiced and described multiple times.  Students learn from repetition.  Be consistent!  

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